Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The year of yes

This year is hereby dubbed The Year of Yes. (and yes, I may have stolen some inspiration from Ann Voskamp over at yes, I may be a month behind the year-naming, resolution making wagon. And yes, I'm okay with that. I refuse to feel even a little bit of remorse over the delays.

I'm thinking about all the things that I so quickly so "no" to. What if "yes" became the default? What if I tried more things that terrify me? What if I dared to be more than what I already know I am? There are so many 'what ifs' that I haven't even discovered yet. And so I say "yes".

Yes, I will try that.
Yes, we can do what you want to do.
And when the answer has to be "no" - what if it becomes "Let's find something that I can say yes to" instead of a hasty "no, I'm tired" "no, its messy" "no, it isn't necessary".

Where's that little blue engine? The one that thought it could. . . this year I say "yes I can" and I head up the mountain. (And yes, I might even find a real mountain ((or maybe small hill)) to climb. Why not?!)

What things are you willing to try this year?

A half marathon?
Committing to a gratitude journal?
going back to school?
paints and cookies and glitter?
being more honest with yourself and others?
wearing bright silly things that only you truly love?
singing along to songs whether anyone can hear you or not?
letting go of what other people think of you?
leaving the dishes until tomorrow?
putting away your own book to read something with someone you love?
an ill advised, poorly planned, amazing road trip?
sleeping late?
wearing mismatched socks and tutus at the grocery store just because?
waking up early just to sit quietly in the early light?
letting little ones linger a bit longer, knowing their need for more yes.
new hair color?

What else can we say 'yes' to this year? I can't wait to see.


Althea said...

The number of things on your list that I need to/was already willing to/have already tried only further cements your place in my heart.

Family Bazaar said...

ahh swoon. glad to have a secure place in your heart.

Jordan asked if we could go sky diving on his 18th birthday. I guess that should go on the list too. I said yes. (and its creeping ever closer. . 11 is this Friday!)