Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The trouble with imaginary friends

It is just all fun and games in the imaginary world until someone gets nail polish in their eye.

Yes, our darling ER maven struck again. This time we avoided the actual hospital but calls to medical professionals were made while the child was half drowned in the sink.

As it turns out, Sedona's imaginary friend (whose name she will not disclose) thought that a pale pink (yes, sparkly) nail polish might make dazzling eye make up. She then proceeded to apply said nail polish to lids and lashes which of course resulted in blood curdling screams, seering pain and a very red eyeball.

As soon as I identified the problem (through the tears and falling over) I dragged her to the sink and flushed her eye out which procured more screams and flailing.


So she's okay now. The vision intact and a little bit of an added sparkle to her right eye for a few days until the nail polish wears off.

Is everyone's life this exciting? Cause I'm gettin tired and I might be running low on adrenaline.

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