Sunday, October 09, 2005

Umm well you see I . . .

don't really have any good excuse as to why I haven't written in so long. Has life been painfully uninteresting the last 2 months? Well, no. Have I suffered a debilitating disease or accident that rendered me incapable of typing? Well, not exactly. Has our internet connection been compromised leaving us entirely disconnected? 'Fraid not. So - like I said . . . I don't really have any good excuse as to why I haven't written in so long.
So here we go . . . I'll try to do better. I'll be diligent and witty and silly at least once a week. There I did it. Committed. (laugh laugh - I know some of you have been thinking that's what I've needed for years - to be committed (and I won't say where ha ha))

For this Sunday morning however, I will share a brief medical drama/trauma that occurred about 2 weeks ago while Dr. Jordan was on call.
I was sprawled out on Grandma's floor when Jordan took to doctoring me up. Mind you - we were watching a movie and I was in impeccable health. So he took a toy periscope and, used as a multi-functional instrument, he was able to check my heart, ears, throat, nose, eyes etc. It wasn't until he took a second look in my right ear that he smacked tongue to teeth and sighed, "Just as I suspected. . . . . . . . . .your brain is all messed up." Hardly newsworthy, I know. I asked,"Oh Doctor, will I be okay? Can you fix me up?" but he didn't hear me. Periscope having already turned telephone, he was calling 911.
"Yes, 911? We have Jana Last name-last name here and we're going to need an ambulance. Yes, her brain is all messed up."
I was taken away, miraculously healed, and here I sit today.

Now here is my concern - this isn't the first time Jordan has returned a somewhat disturbing, however hilarious, report on my mental health. Last year he performed a similar inspection of my head and when he looked deep into my eyes said, "hm-hmm. Yep - squirrels in your brain."

Could it be that my little darling has a prophetic gift? Or is it simply clarity afforded only to the very young. I don't know but at least he is consistent.

In other news - Sedona is recovering nicely from a reaction to her MMR vaccination and 103`+ club. She rests quietly while I type and realize that we are going to be late for church if I don't things rolling. So away I go -- promising or maybe threatening to return in the very near future. And I might even have new pictures.

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