Monday, July 25, 2005

Oh and some funny kids stuff

Jordan was making completely unreasonable requests in Walmart the other day (as most requests in Walmart are) when I said that "we most certainly do not need $20 plastic hands". To which he replied without hesitation and full of conviction - - -

"Well I smerkaly DO!"

(and in translation that is my darling son trying so hard to talk back to his momma but simply unable to figure out what in the heck she just said. So what does he do? Throws whatever it was back at me. most certainly = smerkaly. Not quite sure how you'd spell that but I did my best.)

Another real doozie (though I can't say that I know how to spell that either) -

being told that he can't do something simply "infurnerates" him.
As in -
"Jordan, I'm sory but we'll just have to wait until Dad gets home and we have carseats."

"Ugh (and an exasperated sigh) it just infurnerates me when you say that!"

translation: infuriates. The child is infuriated.

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