Monday, April 18, 2005

"Umm . . our sizes actually run small so . . . "

You run away for the weekend and what do you get?

Some mysterious bumps on your knee, a complex about your weight, a hole in your nose, a tub of rotten cookie dough, and some kick ass hair do's.

Stephanie and I escaped to Chicago for the weekend with no children. A kind of girls' night gone road trip.

Before we even made it over the Dupage County line we'd had a hole poked in Stephanie. The small opalescent stud that made her cross eyed staring at it the rest of the night was a whim. Nothing more. Just a "Hey maybe I should get my nose pierced while we are there" and so she did.
I have to say - - not a bad start to our weekend adventure.

I won't bore you with the details of our travels but I will say that when a sales person asks your size and then says "Really? Have you ever tried our sizes because they run small" it is best to be as obnoxious of a customer as possible from that point forward. I restrained myself and did little more than deliberately set a pair of flip flops on top of a pile of recently folded sweaters as my small act of rebellion and insult but now, safe within my Missouri home I have to say . . .. should have done something more.

So now I implore you all, my dear cyber friends, these people must be stopped. Do whatever you must to make sure that no sales person ever again directs a young boy to the husky section of a department store or raises an eyebrow of doubt when you bravely reveal your size in the middle of a store. It simply cannot go on.

As for the hair do's . . . you'll all just have to wait until I figure out how to get the pictures on the right blog. (The ones I try to post here keep going to Jeremy's . . . arg.)

and thanks to those of you who made our weekend rock.


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