Wednesday, March 30, 2005

"I'll just, you know, protect the world from bad people"

Ahh my little superhero. Criminal at first glance but a desire to do good deeds lies somewhere under the roaring, walking on all fours, eyes rolling, smuggling dinosaurs into church exterior.

Power Rangers are not allowed in our house because my darling dear brought home one too many notes from school that said things like
"Jordan had some trouble with karate chopping someone in the neck".
To which Jeremy and I first asked - Did he not chop correctly? What trouble did he have?

Okay so there was only one such note but in my book that is one too many. And so the terribly dressed and evenly more poorly scripted masked crusaders made a complete exodus from our house. That isn't to say that we had much that had to leave. From the beginning we told Jordan that truly, the show kinda sucks. And for a long time he was with us but some things are too good to last.

So yesterday when he came home from a friend's house he had prepared a detailed list of the reasons why he should be allowed to not only watch Power Rangers Dinothunder but also be allowed to purchase a full costume that he intended to wear "you know, just like for fun sometimes". Points covered include:
- I won't spazz out and chop people
- it would be cool
- I am in control of my actions and will make good choices
- Donovan has one (the friend down the street who I might add was seen just this morning on a walk with his mother and little sister wearing a Spiderman costume complete with mask. hmm.. a man of many disguises)
- Power Rangers teach me good things. "Such as?"
-- to treat people nice, and respect and responsibility for myself, and they teach me how to fight if I had to - like if there was a fire and robbers broke into our house I could POWER RANGER SBD!!! (and this was accompanied by some sort of ninja display that more closely resembled a seizure of some kind)
And finally, my favorite -
- and I'll just, you know, protect the world from bad people.

Can I quickly return to the fact that we are talking about a crappy, polyester, $7.99 at Walmart Power Ranger costume? Gotta love it.

Oh - -and if there is anyone who could shed some light on the whole "SBD" thing I would appreciate it. I assume it is in the same vein as Law and Order SVU which of course, is the Special Victims Unit. But the only thing I've ever known SBD to be an acronym for is in reference to a Silent But Deadly passing of gas. Somehow that hardly seems like a super power. Though I could be wrong.

Later on - -

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