Tuesday, May 17, 2011

with a nod to Ghandi

Be the change we wish to see.
Live lives that change the world.
Seek out words that change our lives.

Words shape us, create us, uncover us. The right words put voice to things we've felt and seen but have been unable to express. They inspire, educate, destroy, and rebuild.

"speak only words that make souls stronger"

"And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."

"There are no wrong roads to Anywhere"

"Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world."

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."

"I don't really know what kind of girl I am."

"Don't let the ceiling fall on your head"

"Well-behaved women rarely make history"

"You should probably sign up for the vocational training program."

"I filed for divorce today."

"Grace is sufficient for today"

"I'm enough."

"Grant me the serenity"

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

"This is holy ground."

"I love you."

"Today, courage says Stand there and tremble. You will not fall."

"You are the deepest wisdom and the highest truth; the greatest peace and the grandest love. You are these things. And in moments of your life you have known yourself as these things. Choose now to know yourself as these things always."

"There will be feasting and dancing in Jerusalem next year."

and it goes on and on and on. I'm reminded of thirsty horses, a longing for the sea, and the many many other words that have so deeply affected me.

And I wander around the ways that I carry those words with me still. The marks they've left on my life, my soul, my world. Words just marked on a page. And then there is the way that ink impresses a page, impresses my heart. And then there is the way that ink and stitches and staples and scars impress my flesh. And then it all starts to come together.

And I remember this website.

There isn't enough flesh to capture all the words that matter. I'm anxious trying to distill the richest experiences into a handful of magic syllables. They write our stories, shape and create the spaces we inhabit, the changes that we seek. Maybe it is just the letters. The building blocks. The simple and sublime that gives us the eyes and hearts to imagine change.

"Nothing has really happened until it has been recorded" or so says Virginia Woolf. We are changing. The beauty, the magic, the pain, the fear, the urgency, the passion, the complacency. It is happening.

How will you record it?


Jackie said...

Interesting post- thank you!

Melodramatist said...


Unknown said...

very nice post and sweet. thanks

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