Some kind of mysterious pink slime finds it way all over the counter and sink bowl almost daily. And yes, I know it is toothpaste. And yes, I know that I am the adult charged with teaching these little people the rules and procedures of polite society (which certainly would include toothpaste etiquette). And yes, I have clearly failed.
So now what?!
I lean over to wash my face - glop. All over my shirt.
I try to have them wipe it up - glop all over floor, new white towel and their shirts.
I find it on the floor, the cabinet door, even the outside of the bathroom door.
I think it may be time to just give up the brushing of teeth. It is too messy and too risky an endeavor. If only they made clear toothpaste. . .
1 comment:
They do--and it is cheap--BAKING SODA. We buy it in 10lb bags from Costco and use it for cleaning, toothbrushing, about anything you can think of. Whether the salty flavor may be offputting to children, it's hard to say. But no more pink!
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