Saturday, August 15, 2009

What I want to be. . .

In talking about savings and futures Jordan share some of his thoughts on how his savings should and shouldn't be spent.

Jordan: But I don't even want to go to college so why do we have to save for it?

Mom: I never said that you had to go to college, but remember when we talked last time about keeping an open mind and looking for all kinds of different opportunities. Maybe you'll use the money for another kind of training, maybe it will be for a car, or your first apartment. . .

Jordan: But I dont want to go to college. Then I won't have to be a policeman or a doctor or even a drug dealer. I mean ... then I won't have to . . .

Mom (a bit perplexed): No one said that you had to be any of those things. Since you seem to have a pretty good idea of what you do not want to be - any thoughts on what you would like to do?

Jordan: Yeah. I want to be a hotel man. You know, give people their keys and stuff.

Mom: Okay, so like at the front desk?

Jordan: Yeah. . . . . . .okay I'm just joking. I mean, really, that's not what I want to be.

And around and around we went. But at least now that he isn't going to college he won't have to be a drug dealer. And here I never even knew that a college degree was required for official drug dealing. I have so much to learn. Thank goodness Jordan is kind enough to teach me.

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