Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Stay tuned . . .

I'll do my best here to provide some written relief to accompany the photo frenzy but really, I'm just writing to stay tuned for Halloween pictures. They should be super hot. I'll leave you all in suspense as to what we dressed up as but I will say that 4 costumes were worn. I won't say by who (m? - if only I had an english degree. oh wait. crap.)

In recent events:
Jordan pulled tooth number two this morning before school.

Jordan has an ear infection and is wheezing again after 2 wheeze-free years so he will be befriending the nebulizer fish/dinosaur breathing mask once again - at least for a short time.

Sedona has taken to road rage. That is, when in the car, she rages and roars and screams and squirms. Apparently, we are interrupting some pressing matters she had planned elsewhere and anytime I put her in the car this week she freaks out. It's neat. Really. It is.

As for me - I regret to report the murder of a lucky bamboo stalk. It started to turn red and mushy at the bottom and silly old me got carried away and amputated. Surgery was well underway when I read "WHATEVER YOU DO _ DO NOT CUT LUCKY BAMBOO! IT WILL NOT SURVIVE!" Fine timing that was.

Jeremy is working and will present a lesson tonight on authority and authorship. I was a guinea pig and it has to be said - the kid's got something else. I want to be in his class.

So there you have it. Surprised I've held up my vow to correspond more diligently, aren't you? Yeah, me too.

Stay tuned for Halloween pictures in the coming days. We will be in Chicago this weekend so if they aren't in by Friday morning you will just have to wait until next week.
Ha Ha Ha - wicked Halloween cackle.

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