Friday, June 27, 2008


Stay tuned for an obscenely detailed chronicling of our summer adventures thus far. We're determined not to let the summer slip by while we sleep and couch and laze about. We're out and about and journaling and photographing and well, basically annoying everyone who doesn't join in on the adventure with our incessant recapturing. Audiences here are tiring of us, I'm afraid. So you're next. I'll get some of the highlights up in the next few days (I think. I hope. I dare not promise.)

A Recent Explosion

Yesterday was a long day. Just one of those really long days.

And if that wasn't enough. Then there was an explosion.

The kids were parked and pizza-ed at tiny tables in the living room while I readied my own plate in the kitchen. And then something exploded. It sounded like a gun went off in the living room.

I ran around the corner and screamed, because I'm calm and super-mom like that, "WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?!!!!!" (remember that part about it being a really long day?). But staring back at me were not the guilty eyes of my usually guilty children. They were terror stricken and I knew immediately that they had had nothing to do with whatever the mystery bomb was.

And then I saw the slime. Dripping down the living room wall. And as my eyes scanned the dripping, they came to rest on what can only be likened to brain matter and more slime on the floor (hey, I watch Grey's Anatomy, I might know what brain matter looks like).




South Central?

Aliens falling through the ceilings and bursting through the walls?


I won't tell you how many baffled moments passed before I thought to look in a bin of donated items that was sitting in the living room. I should mention here that we've become a clearing house of sorts for items intended for those less fortunate. Which is really, a fabulous thing. People generously giving. Sadly, they are all giving to me to give to someone else who, without fail, disappears or is in transition or yet to be disclosed, and the stuff piles innocently around our house until it finds its way to those in need.

And so, I finally look inside the bin of donated household items, a few books, a pie plate, picture frames etc. . . . . .and discover the alien gang members who'd recently assaulted both living room and unsuspecting children. . . . . refrigerator cinnamon rolls.. . . .with frosting.

It was a lovely thought to donate such a yummy treat. I will, however, need to be informed in the future if there are any perishable or otherwise unstable items in the boxes, bags and bins that I collect seeing as they've been in my living room for 3 weeks.

So the slime turned frosting was scrubbed from carpet and walls and the children don't seem to be suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome just yet, but we'll be sure to keep an eye on it.

Did I mention that it was a really long day?